These are the election results of the 2019 SATW elections. The terms for these positions will begin during the annual convention in El Paso. The positions that are not listed were not up for election this year. The representatives already in place will continue to serve in their roles for the 2019-2020 term.


2019-2020 SATW Election Results


President Elect: Larry Bleiberg
Secretary: Gary Arndt



Canadian Chapter
Chair: Maureen Littlejohn
1st Vice Chair: Jennifer Bain
Active-at-Large: Sharon Mendelaoui
Associate-at-Large: Heather Kirk


Central States
Chair: Chez Chesak
1st Vice Chair: Theresa Russell
2nd Vice Chair: Leah DiPetro
Secretary/Treasurer: Wesley Lucas
Active-at-Large: Beth Reiber
Associate-at-Large: Erin McCleskey


Eastern Chapter
Chair: Kim Foley MacKinnon
2nd Vice Chair: Caroline Eubanks
Treasurer: Teresa Delaney


Western Chapter
Treasurer: Ellen Clark
2nd Vice Chair: Doug MacKenzie
Associate representative: Gaylene Ore


Freelance Council
Chair: Christine Loomis
1st Vice Chair, PD: Terri Colby
2nd Vice Chair, Sites: David Lang
Secretary: Michael Snell
Treasurer: Chelle Koster Walton


Editors Council
Associate Representative: Cheryl Andrews


Associates Council
Vice Chair: Kay Maghan

Secretary: Ken Sloan