Since tourism The Editor’s Council provides editors with opportunities to expand their skill sets through in-depth and insightful professional development, as well as to connect with and learn from colleagues from major travel publications around North America.




The following are guidelines for Editors Council membership and what to include with your application.


Editor Application Requirements:


  • Editor or Staff Writer: You are responsible for travel coverage for a print or online publication(s) with a combined circulation and/or Unique Visitors of at least 25,000 per issue. If you are one of multiple writers for a website, you should apply for the Editors Council.
  • Book Editor/Publisher: You are responsible for and actively involved in assigning, editing and writing travel books or apps. Print runs or sales must reach at least 25,000 in the past 12 months.
  • Broadcast Journalist: You host or produce a regularly scheduled program on radio, television, or online/multimedia (including YouTube) with a minimum of 25,000 subscribers for YouTube. Everything you submit must show the audio or video is income-producing. Note: Broadcast content is for content created by the member, and NOT where a member is interviewed in some other capacity.


Submit with Application


  • A Portfolio. Include a PDF of the three most recent mastheads that identify your position. Online and broadcast editors must provide screenshots or a letter from your employer verifying your position. Applicants need to submit a screenshot that shows they have a minimum of 25,000 subscribers. Further proof of audience size might be requested for some applications if that information is not publicly available. 

Application Fee: $50 US
Annual Dues: $225 US