Follow the 2019 convention on social media
07 Oct
Follow the SATW 2019 convention (October 20-24) on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) as we discover the surprises in our host city of El Paso, Texas. Join 300 travel journalists, photographers, editors, destination representatives, broadcasters, bloggers and travel website owners during the four-day conference as we uncover new travel stories about this great destination and take part in panels and workshops to advance our professional careers. Follow the convention hashtags: #satwElPaso, #VisitElPaso and #satw and be a part of the journey.
For more information about the tours, professional development, speakers and programs at the 2019 El Paso convention, visit the convention page of the website.
Not an SATW member? Follow our conference and learn more about how to become an SATW member.