Points Chart


Please note the following rules regarding qualification into the Society of American Travel Writers as a freelancer:

1) You will need 21 points according to the chart below, or you must meet the blogger/website owner requirements, in order to qualify for membership.

2) The maximum number of points that may be attributed to a single project, regardless of word count or photo contributions, is 8 points

3) Everything you submit with your freelance application must be for paid work—work published without payment will not be considered.

4) A travel article, image, video, broadcast, blog entry, website contribution, or mobile app must be editorial content that shows, describes, evaluates, discusses and/or facilitates travel. The viewpoint must not be dictated by any advertiser or travel vendors referenced in the article.

5) Advertorial or promotional copy can be used for one third (7) of the points for membership. Advertorial content is paid for by an advertiser, brand or sponsor, such as a resort, a tourist board or a CVB. Sponsored copy should be clearly presented on blogs or in print as sponsored content. Custom publications containing editorial content, such as in-flight magazines, are allowed.

6) Any combination of travel books (or chapters), articles (print or online), images, videos, broadcasts or individual unit sales will be considered. The work need not be bylined or captioned if the editor or publisher of the publication will attest to its authorship.

7) In the case of dual bylines, the production of the team must meet the requirements for two memberships. A single applicant earns half points for a co-bylined article.



Travel Articles

Articles that have appeared in traditional print media, websites or blogs in the past 12 months. If your work appears in both print and on the publication’s website, add an additional point to your score. Earn additional points for your published photos (see still photography). If you have photos that appear in a travel article, add the points from the photos to the points from your article to calculate the total points you receive for the submission.What Defines a Travel Article?
A travel article must be a minimum of 250 words and Your travel product must meet the standard established by the US Travel Association, which defines a tourist as an individual who travels more than 50 miles from home for business or leisure. For example, a restaurant review in a newspaper 100 miles away about your local restaurant is a travel story. However, a local restaurant review in your hometown newspaper or website is not a travel story. Work about your local community is acceptable as long as it appears in an outlet that draws readership primarily from outside your location. This includes regional outlets, if the region covers more than a 50-mile radius.Score: Circulation/Uvs:

1 pt 10,000 – 100,000
2 pts 100,001 – 500,000
3 pts 500,001


Still Photography

Tell us about the work you have done in travel photography in the past 12 months. If you have photos posted within a travel article you have written, add the points of the photos to the points you receive for the travel article when submitting your application. Less than Half Page
Score:  Circulation/UVs

1 pt 10,000 – 100,000
2 pts 100,001 – 500,000
3 pts 500,000 +Half Page or More
Score:  Circulation/UVs

2 pts  10,000 – 100,000
4 pts 100,001 – 500,000
6 pts 500,000 +Double Spread or Cover
Score:  Circulation/UVs

4 pts  10,000 – 100,000
6 pts 100,001 – 500,000
8 pts 500,000 +


Books & Apps

SATW defines a travel guidebook as a print or digital product. Self-published books are also considered. Content for books and App must have been completed in the last 24 months.This includes chapter contributions, revisions/updates or original text. Provide a brief summary of the book, including number of words or photos, number of sales or any other information you feel is relevant. Include a link to Amazon, iTunes or your publisher’s site. Books Earn
16 points original book for a work with a minimum of 25,000 words or 100 photographs
10 points for book revision
Smaller books earn 1 point per every 1,500 words or seven photos in a book or chapter Apps
Score:  Sales

2 pts 1,500 +
4 pts 2,000 +
6 pts 2,500 +
Revisions earn 50%


Video & Audio Media

For contributions to broadcast, cable and/or digital outlets, provide links to stories that include your video, audio recording, images, podcast and/or text that have aired in the past 12 months. Your stories must be approximately 60 seconds minimum. Score: Audience:

1 pt 10,000 – 100,000
2 pts 100,001 – 500,000
3 pts 500,000 + 


Website & Blog Owners

If you own a website or blog, here’s what we look for:You qualify for SATW as a Freelance Council member if your website or blog has an average of 10,000 visitors per month over the last 12 months and meets the following requirements:Minimum 26 new travel articles in the last year.
Minimum 250 words or 60 secs per post.
Demonstrated revenue source.
Click here to fill out a Blog/Website Owner Application.Smaller websites receive the following points towards membership:Score: Monthly UVs:

2 pts 2,500 – 5,000
3 pts 5,001 – 7,500
4 pts 7,501 – 10,000


Direct-to-Publish & Second Party Sites

If you write for sites where your work is unedited prior to publishing, you may provide links for up to 5 stories. SATW accepts only five stories posted in the past 12 months. No additional points are awarded for photography in this category.Score:
1 pt per story


You, the Travel Communicator
In a few paragraphs, please tell us about you, the travel journalist. What are your goals and what steps have you taken to achieve them? Why do you want to join SATW and how might we help you achieve your goals in this field?

3 pts