Newsletter submission guidelines:

Distribution: The 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.

Deadline for submissions: The Thursday prior to distribution by Noon (EST). All submissions received by the deadline will appear in the following issue.


What to include in submission (incomplete submissions will not be published):


  • The CATEGORY for your submission
  • Written content as it should appear (50 word count max)
  • Your contact information
  • Subject line of email should read:  E-News Submission

Submit your content here.

Categories for submission include:

Headlines – Timely member news

Mark Your Calendar – Important dates and events

New Members – Most recent members

On Deadline– Active story queries. Please include your DEADLINE for responses. All current queries will also be added to the SATW website “New Queries” page so they are always updated and accessible by all members.

Member News – Significant member announcements including changes in contact information, published books and obituaries are examples. Published articles/clips and mentions of awards of any kind from organizations other than SATW will not be included.

Press Trips – Information about press trips being offered to Active members.

New Accounts – New Associate accounts of interest to the membership. Please include a link to your website, your contact information and a couple of story ideas related to your client.


**Information or announcements that are selling trips or merchandise will not be accepted but newsletter ads are available for purchase.