The Canadian Chapter Represents members in Canadian provinces and territories.
The Canadian Chapter Represents members in Canadian provinces and territories.
The Canadian Chapter represents members residing in all provinces and territories of Canada.
Chair: Carolyn Ray ([email protected])
Immediate Past Chair: Martha Chapman ([email protected])
First Vice Chair: Jennifer Weatherhead Harrington ([email protected])
Second Vice Chair: Nicola Blazier ([email protected])
Treasurer: Grant Fraser ([email protected])
Secretary: Lindsay Nieminen ([email protected])
Active-at-Large: Debra Smith ([email protected])
Associate-at-Large: France Savard ([email protected])
Emeritus Associate-at-Large:
Monthly luncheons in Toronto. For more information contact Gillian Hall.
SATW Canadian Conference April 2 – 5, 2024
Feeling Sevilla
Banff, Alberta, March 2023
To learn more about the Canadian Chapter, please contact chapter chair Carolyn Ray.
SATW Canada members at the closing dinner Seville, Spain in April 2024
Membership: Nicola Blazier, chair
PD: Maureen Littlejohn, Gary Crallé, Sharon Mendalaoui
Sites: Anna Hobbs, Gillian Hall
Awards: Cathy Stapells
Benefits: Martha Chapman
Fellowship: Ursula Maxwell-Lewis, Heather Macdonald-Bossé
Regional Directors
Atlantic Canada: Heather Macdonald-Bossé; Helen Jean Newman
Quebec: Gilles Bengal
Ontario: Gillian Hall
Man/Sask: Cathy Senecal; Doreen Kerby
Alberta: Angela Moore
British Columbia: Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
Board Members
Barbara Ramsay Orr
Maureen Littlejohn
Martha Chapman
What’s New
Chapter Meetings