Colombia as a Sustainable Tourism Destination

Bogota, Colombia, was the host destination for SATW’s 2022 Annual Convention. Our members and attendees fell in love with the destination, discovering stories to share in print, online, and on social media.

We are happy to present this webinar featuring Gilberto Salcedo, Vice President of Tourism at ProColombia.

Mr. Salcedo talks about the strategy and action plan for promoting Colombia as a sustainable Tourism destination. Colombia’s vision to develop a economic activity that contributes to the conservation of ecosystems and the generation of life opportunities for communities is impressive.

We invite you to learn more about how Colombian tourism companies are implementing sustainable practices and innovation into their visitor experience, and about the country’s commitment to promoting the country as a sustainable, inclusive, and high-quality tourism destination.

SATW’s 2023 Convention will be held in Puerto Rico. Learn more about the destination, the program, and registration here.