In Additionto the SATW annual convention our chapters,
council and Board of Directors hold meetings throughout the year
In Additionto the SATW annual convention our chapters,
council and Board of Directors hold meetings throughout the year
In addition to the SATW annual convention our chapters, council, and Board of Directors hold meetings throughout the year for which part of the agenda is to explore the destination hosting that event and research story angles for members’ respective published outlets.
The SATW annual convention is vetted several years in advance. The Bid Book (RFP) for hosting a convention can be viewed by clicking Learn More. We are currently seeking bids for 2026 and 2027.
SATW Council and Chapter Meetings are held a minimum of once annually at a destination suitable for story material for our working members. During our Meetings, professional development sessions are available to our members, as are tours provided by the host and the opportunity for individual research.
The Society of American Travel Writers’ (SATW) governing body is its Board of Directors. The board consists of 13 members. There are two annual board meetings; just prior to the SATW Annual Convention and the Winter Board Meeting between January and April. The dates are determined by the host and SATW. Please contact our Executive Director, Erin Erickson at [email protected], if you are interested in hosting a board meeting.