Western Chapter Candidates


Jennifer Broome (Running for Chair)

Jennifer Broome is a freelance multimedia travel and environmental journalist for broadcast, digital, and print outlets including AAA, Denver Post, Go World Travel, Local Now, Newsbreak, The Weather Channel, and multiple television stations in top 35 markets. She is editor-in-chief of The Hotel Guide. Based in Denver, she is also a television meteorologist. She is a sought-after travel expert, content creator, podcast guest, and speaker. Her specialties are outdoor adventure, solo travel, U.S. National Parks, road trips, luxury travel, and sustainable tourism. Her adventure portfolio includes trekking to Everest Base Camp, crossing the Arctic Circle, and flying with the United States Air Force Thunderbirds. She’s been to all 50 U.S. states, 52 countries, and over 225 National Park Service sites. She is co-author of 100 Things to Do in San Antonio Before You Die 3rd Edition (Fall 2024).


Spud Hilton (Running for Chair)

After 35 years as a newspaper journalist, including 19 as the full-time travel writer and editor at the San Francisco Chronicle, I believe that the media landscape (including travel) has never been more in danger of losing all credibility. By basing all decisions on click-traffic instead of experience and judgment we, as an industry, are going in a dangerous direction. I would do my best to encourage promotion and education that steers travel journalism in the Western Chapter toward higher standards and, subsequently, better job opportunities for SATW members.

Vote for me and I’ll put these skills to work for you.

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Barbara Barrielle (Running for First Vice Chair)

SATW has given so much to me, especially the Western chapter, that I feel it is time to give back a bit….maybe by taking a contributory role like the Vice Chair. Supportive, behind the scenes and ready to work!

I love travel and I adore writing. We are faced with so many challenges right now but the intrepid travelers still find a way and I consider myself lucky to be a part of that group. Writing this from Burgundy and still have to wonder at the fascinating life travel offers us if we care to grab it.

David Swanson author shot - David Swanson

David Swanson (Running for First Vice Chair)

With 4 years as Secretary on the Society’s Board, and 3 years in the President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President positions, I know the ins and outs of what makes SATW tick behind the scenes. I look forward to the opportunity to use that “insider” perspective to contribute on the chapter level.

The First Vice Chair is the one who steps in if a Chapter Chair is unable to attend a meeting or finish their term. Other areas where I want to make an effort include our professional development offerings at chapter meetings, boosting our chapter’s communications and outreach, and helping members extract value from their SATW membership on the chapter level.

The media landscape seems to provide new and unexpected ways to torture and upend our profession. SATW is at its best when it provides a safe harbor and the resources to ride out the rough patches, and grist for our members to thrive.

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Teresa Bergen (Running Unopposed for Secretary)

I’m a writer based in Portland, Oregon. I joined SATW in 2014, just before the Iceland convention, as a member of the Western Chapter and the Freelance Council. I’m the incumbent Western Chapter secretary, and I served as keeper of the clips for the Freelance Council from 2017-2022. I also co-founded of the SATW Sober Travel Affinity Group.

Joining SATW greatly expanded my horizons as a travel writer, and I’ve made both personal friends and helpful professional contacts. I appreciate the educational and travel opportunities SATW continues to provide. As Western Chapter secretary, I try to support my fellow board members however possible, and I strive to take accurate minutes. In addition to a journalism degree and an MFA in fiction writing, I am a hotshot typist, thanks to Mr. Thomas Medina, my eighth grade typing teacher.

My travel writing interests include outdoors adventure, eco and sober travel. I’m the author of Easy Portland Outdoors and the upcoming Sober Travel Handbook, and co-author of Historic Cemeteries of Portland, Oregon.

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Teresa Bitler (Running for Active at Large)

I joined SATW and became a Western Chapter member almost 15 years ago. Although I didn’t attend my first conference until Bogota, I’ve been eager to participate more ever since. Most recently, I co-chaired the chapter’s Photo Quest at the Western Chapter Meeting in Cody, Wyoming, but I’m eager to do more.

If elected to the Active-At-Large position, I’ll work hard on behalf of all active members and support Board members in any way I can. I’ll also make myself available to address any issues actives would like me to bring before the Board. Feel free to reach out to me at any time.

I’m eager to make the Western Chapter even better and would appreciate your vote for the Active-At-Large position.

Kerrick James at Arches NP, Utah

Kerrick James (Running for Active at Large)

I joined SATW in 1997 and consider it my luckiest career break. My membership coincided with a period of growth in the organization and I greatly benefited from traveling with and sharing stories and images with our veteran writers, photographers and of course PR pros. Over the years I’ve run many ShootOuts (now PhotoQuest of course), and of late have been assisting with the Muster Competition. Working closely as a volunteer is a more effective and fun way to enrich relationships, but more importantly to give back to SATW, which has given so much to me. I will contribute in any way possible an Active-At-Large for the Western Chapter, should you entrust me with your vote. Thank you and see you somewhere on the journeys ahead… Kerrick James