The SATW Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition is the first established,
broad-based independent competition recognizing excellence in the field of travel journalism.
The SATW Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition is the first established,
broad-based independent competition recognizing excellence in the field of travel journalism.
Read the following instructions carefully. When done, scroll down to submit your photos.
Number of entries:
Naming files (see “file naming procedures” for details). Any photo file names that do not follow the described naming procedure will be disqualified:
Category abbreviations for file names:
Not allowed: altering photos by adding or removing objects, backgrounds, or skies; compositing by combining two or more photos with different elements such as a moon; adding colors or textures not in the original capture; and other major alterations that transform the image into something significantly different than the original capture.
The submission period is open from July 1, 2021 to August 7, 2021 at 11:59pm ET.
Muster Disqualification
In previous Muster competitions, a number of photos and portfolios were disqualified because some entrants did not follow competition rules. Some photos submitted were taken prior to the allowable two-year time limit. Others failed to follow naming guidelines and lacked category, date, and/or photographer ID number.
All photos taken outside the two-year time limit or that do not follow the naming guidelines will be automatically disqualified. This may include your entire portfolio being disqualified. All entrants should be prepared to submit metadata as necessary that verifies your photos were taken within the stated two-year time frame.
Important: Repeat offenders will not be permitted to enter the competition the following year.
Helpful Resources:
Submission Options
Rules and Requirements
Submission Procedures
File Naming Procedures